Design for America
Design for America
Design for America @ CMU is an organization that Ashley Lai and I have founded at CMU. It is a social impact club which aims to get students working on teams and collaborating with local organizations to solve issues in the areas of health, education, environment, and economic inequality. Our pilot project is a collaboration with the Pittsburgh Homeless Children Education Fund (HCEF) where we are going to try and increase effectiveness in identifying homeless students so that they can get the necesaary help.
CMU Unlocked
CMU Unlocked
CMU Unlocked is a system designed to provide interactive exercises to students for the purposes of learning computer science. I built out the system with Eddie Dryer, Rudina Morina, and Stuart Guertin. The system will be used by 15-112, a 400 student course, to help students learn introductory computer science topics. The system allows developers to develop javascript-based interactive exercises which are then served to students in the for of practice as well as quizzes.
Multiplayer Asteroids
Multiplayer Asteroids
Multiplayer Asteroids was my term project for my first computer science course. It is built with Python using the Tkinter (graphics) module and the Socket (networking) module. I created a online, over the internet, multiplayer version of the game.
Judge Me Harder
Judge Me Harder
Judge me harder was built at the Bitcamp Hackathon (University of Maryland) and is a Flask app made with a mongoDB database. I worked on it with Eileen Jiang, Tina Luo, and Ian Quah. We made it in the Spring of 2014 and it was the first time I was able to succesfully make a website at a hackathon, making it very special to me :p.
Kritikal Stats
Kritikal Stats
Kritikal Stats was a project that I worked on over the summer after my Freshamn year at CMU. I led the development with a team of 3 developers including myself, Gary Lin, and Sunny Advani. It is a web application built with Django which is meant to provide a clean interface for high school debaters to view debate results from across the country. We deployed it through Amazaon Web Services and recieved thousands of page views and users.
AR(T) is a hackathon hack that I built with Ashley Lai, Tian Jin, and Andrew Benson at the University of Pannsylvania in the fall of 2014. It is an iphone application built to use google cardboard and create augmented reality. Users use a myo to draw art in their field of view which is then geotagged and displayed only when the user is in the location it was drawn and looking in the direction it was drawn in.
Sleeply is another hackathon project that I built during Tartan Hacks in the Spring of 2015. I devloped on a team with Ashley Lai, Tian Jin, and Eileen Jiang. The application is meant to use information from your google calendar and jawbone up to determine when it is best for you to sleep, how you can catch up on sleep, and how much more sleep you need.

Using machine learning algorithms designed by Tian, our application determines when you best get deep sleep. On the front-end I built a homemade, from scratch calendar that is pretty slick.
Databaseology is a website I am building for Professor Andy Pavlo, a databae professor here at CMU. The goal is to create a wikipedia-like resource that specializes in information about different databases. It is for the course because students populate information about the databases.

The database pages are beautifully designed by Ashley Lai. I implemented a rudimentary version control system that mimics wikipedia's and allows all history of edits to be recorded and potentially rolled back.