Intro to Webb Apps with Django
This course will begin by going over the basics of how the internet works and end with you being able to develop a dynamic website using a python web framework called Django. We begin by first going over front end technologies like html, css, and javascript in order to give you a base to move forward with more advanced topics. During the video series you will be guided on deploying static websites through GitHub and familiarize yourself with many new web technologies like: html, css, bootstrap, materialize, javascript, jQuery, jinja2, and django.
This course consists of videos on a tool called Youniversity. Please signup with a google account to get started using it. It allows the videos to be indexed by topics and also gives you the ability to ask questions at any point if you have any. I will be monitoring the questions and responding to them so don't be afraid to ask! The Web Apps classroom on Youniversity can be found here.